Radiative transfer codes

Different codes are available here, in 1D and 2D. They are used to describe Non-LTE (NLTE) radiative transfer in solar prominences and filaments, in solar and stellar atmospheres (slab or cylinder).

Click on the following links to download the package source file and the user guide.

Contact: Martine.Chane-yook/at/ias.u-psud.fr

PROM7 describes 1D NLTE radiative transfer in solar prominences or filaments, using partial frequency redistribution (PRD). The models of atmosphere considered here are isobaric and isothermal. The code computes hydrogen and calcium spectra emitted by prominences or filaments.

Another version of PROM7 including PROM5 code, producing magnesium spectrum will be available soon.

PROM5 is similar to PROM7, but deals with radiative transfer for hydrogen atom in prominences. The physical properties of the model vary across the prominence.

HYDR_NV describes 1D NLTE radiative transfer for hydrogen atom in stellar or solar atmosphere using partial frequency redistribution (PRD).

Another version of HYDR_NV producing magnesium spectrum will be available soon.

CYMA2DV describes 2D NLTE radiative transfer for hydrogen atom in cylindrical thread with incident radiation and 3D velocity fields using complete frequency redistribution (CRD).

Another version of CYMA2DV producing magnesium spectrum will be available soon.

C2D2E describes 2D NLTE radiative transfer for hydrogen and helium atoms in cylindrical thread with incident radiation using complete frequency redistribution (CRD).

Another version of C2D2E producing magnesium spectrum will be available soon.


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