Galaxy, INterstellar matter and COsmology (GINCO)

IDOC/GINCO is a center for expertise for several space, balloon and ground mission. It has an important role in data processing, distribution and interpretation, for several astronomy missions at long wavelength. In this matter, GINCO :

  • develops and maintains high level analysis pipelines
  • develops and maintains data archives & access
  • develops, maintains and distribute high level software for data analysis
  • offers scientific expertise for mission using long wavelength detectors
  • plays an important role in education and outreach to the general public

High level analysis pipeline

Since its creation, GINCO develops and maintain an expertise in high level analysis pipelines on dataset from space instruments at long wavelength. As an example, new algorithms have been developed to correct for instrumental effects in the case of the ISOCAM instrument on bord of ISO, all of the datasets delivered by ESA have been processed with this algorithm. The IRAS all sky survey has also been reprocessed to correct for residual instrumental effects and photometric uncertainties. The Improved Recprocessing of the IRAS Survey (IRIS) is now available through the IDOC, the IRSA, or the CDS in Strasbourg via Aladin.

Data processing and analysis of the Herschel and Planck mission are in the center of GINCO activities. We are developing the photometric cross-calibration of the two missions. Moreover, in the case of the Herschel/SPIRE instrument, we have the responsibility of developing high level algorithm to recover large scale diffuse emission. In particular, we are developing and maintaining new map making techniques based on the maximum likelihood or bayesian inversion methods, the latter allowing to gain high angular resolution.

Data Archives 

GINCO use the CNES Information Tools,  SITools2, to deliver our data. You can access our main portal or directly go to he Herschel dedicated portal or the Planck WG5 Repository

IDOC GincoIDOC HerschelPlanck ProductsPlanck WG5Planck SZCLUSTER-DB


GINCO is actively developing and maintaining  a large class of software dedicated to data analysis and interpretation :

DustEM Modeling emission and extinction spectra of interstellar dust
IrGal Formation and evolution of Infrared Galaxies
POKER Estimating the power spectrum with complex masks
Stacking Faint signal extraction with stacking technics
Sanepic Signal And Noise Estimation Procedure Including Correlations


Using GINCO is free of charge. However, if you research benefits from its use, then we request that you include the following acknowledgement in your publications: 

We acknowledge the use of the Galaxies, INterstellar mater & COsmology (GINCO) archive for the Integrated Data & Operation Center (IDOC). Support for IDOC is provided by CNRS & CNES.